About HDC Organisation


HDC is a non-governmental, non-profit organization based in Belgium and registered in Syria that works according to core humanitarian standards CHS, in order to build a stable and peaceful society, whose members enjoy their rights to a dignified life that meets their aspirations.

It focuses on empowering individuals and groups and helping them to play an active role in building peace in their communities, and it also adopts community initiatives and seeks to develop partnerships with individuals and civil society organizations to activate their role in planning and drafting the relevant decision.

Year of Experience

We Change Life & World

We Believe that We can Save
More Life with You

Values and Principles

1. Independence
2. Dignity and respect for human rights.
3. Belief in change and teamwork
4. Volunteering and encouraging partnerships.
5. Quality and efficiency.
6. Integrity and transparency.

Our Mission
1. Aspiring to bring about an ambitious transformation in which all forms of life can be lived.
2. Building bridges of cooperation between the various parties in order to achieve peace and stability.
Our Vision
1. All people should have hope and live a dignified life in peaceful and stable societies.
2. Societies should be empowered, interdependent and steadfast, living in peace and stability.
Objectives and Tasks
1. Work to mobilize resources and coordinate advocacy efforts for the benefit of those in need.
2. Building the capacity and skills of conflict-affected communities and empowering them to resilience.
3. Work to increase awareness of the public interest and promote the concept of social responsibility.
4. Contribute to the peace and development processes of communities and improve their local production.
5. Empowering and reintegrating vulnerable groups, especially children and women, into society.
6. Contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change and protecting the environment.
HDC adheres to the following quality standards and codes.

International Standards:

This Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability was approved to use as a reference for HDC as a non-governmental organization NGO.

This code of conduct is approved to use as a reference for HDC Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Disaster Relief – ICRC

These CHS Guidance Notes and Indicators are approved to use as a reference for HDC as a non-governmental organization NGO.

Internal Standards:

The administrative policy and what it contains sections, positions, and tasks are based on the HDC ’s organizational structure, as it explains how to conduct strategic and tactical planning processes, and shows the rationale for the organization from the powers, responsibilities, and assignment of tasks, through the conditions of employment and appointment of competencies, to how to coordinate efforts, leading to implementation and follow-up The progress and evaluation of operational processes.
HDC has multiple financial transactions with others and with the HDC ’s employees, who are donors, purchases, employee salaries, and many expenses. In order for these operations to be regular and within a clear work mechanism, it was necessary to have a manual of financial procedures.
This manual contains policies, guidelines, and procedures covering various aspects of the work environment however these policies and procedures do not form any part of the terms and conditions of your employment. The Policy represents what we believe to be the best standards of the employee-employer relationship as well as providing practical guidelines for action, so this guide is available for use by all HDC employees, whatever their rank.
Purchasing procedures are defined as the detailed steps that must be followed in a sequential and chronological manner in a way that makes the employees of the HDC practice the routine work assigned to them. The importance of defining procedures stems from being a tool that helps unify work methods, achieves integration and perfection in its performance, guides implementer during the practice of their work, enables tight control, measures performance, and speeds up achievement in the case of simplified procedures and avoids work from chaos
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